The average house price on CAVENDISH STREET is £8,704,047
The most expensive house in the street is THE FOUNDRY CAVENDISH STREET with an estimated value of £27,917,182
The cheapest house in the street is THE HIGHLAND, 36 - 38 CAVENDISH STREET with an estimated value of £405,301
The house which was most recently sold was THE HIGHLAND, 36 - 38 CAVENDISH STREET, this sold on 15 Nov 2021 for £372,000
The postcodes for CAVENDISH STREET are LS3 1LY, LS3 1BN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
PLOT A CAVENDISH STREET £3,246,854 £2,400,000 11 May 2016
PLOT A CAVENDISH STREET £3,246,854 £2,400,000 11 May 2016
THE FOUNDRY CAVENDISH STREET £27,917,182 £22,650,000 25 Feb 2020
THE HIGHLAND, 36 - 38 CAVENDISH STREET £405,301 £372,000 15 Nov 2021